The Link Between Art and Wellness

I'm excited to announce my art instructors new show called, Studio Time With Tabetha as her first guest! So grateful to be a part of this, as we discuss the link between art and wellness! Wellness has many components and using creativity can be part of our well-being.

Art allows for creative self-expression and studies shows a wide range of beneficial effects to our health. Creativity is starting to gain momentum as a mind-body approach in wellness. There are many forms of art and ways to be creative, such as cooking, writing, movement, crafts and coming up with creative solutions to improve your health, just to name a few.

Art has been a part my life for many years and has showed up in various ways along my journey. Painting however, is a somewhat new medium. Art is a great way explore, find your creativity, have fun and kn.ow you are doing something good for your health.

How do you express yourself creatively?

What are some creative methods you can incorporate into your wellness practice?

Learn more about Tabetha and her amazing work at

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