5 Tips To Get Started On Your Wellness Journey


Wellness is ever evolving and the good news is, there isn’t a “one size fits all” solution to better health.  Various stages of our lives can have different requirements. Wellness encompasses all areas of our existence and each part needs nurturing.  The challenge may be, finding what works and feels right for you. Here are some simple tips to get you started:

  1. Get clear on your values and what wellness means to you.   
    What does success feel like in each area of you life? “Balance” is unique for each individual and what feels good for someone else may not be good for you. Knowing what values that are important to you, helps create a wellness path that’s right for you!

  2. Become aware of what you’re eating. Observe how these foods make you feel. Get curious about your food. The goal is not to remove the foods you love, as it is to expand upon other options to consider. 

  3. Stay well hydrated
    The benefits of drinking water are endless and hydrating the body can help flush out the system and remove foreign irritants. Consider infusing fruits like, strawberries, blueberries or raspberries if you don’t like the taste of water.  Plus, you’ll get a boost of vitamin C in your drink!

  4. Increase movement
    Research shows some form of physical activity is beneficial to the body and brain. Any form of movement including stretches can have a positive impact on the body. Walking is also a great way to ease into an exercise and can be effective as any other workout.  Other benefits of walking include, mental boost, increase creative output and decrease stress. 

  5. Be kind to yourself
    Remember, wellness is a journey not a destination.  Making changes to one’s health requires patience and understanding. Some days maybe more challenging than others and that’s part of the process.  You don’t have to get it right all at once, just show up for yourself.  Have fun with learning what works for you.  Every step you take in improving upon your health is a win!


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